A Cyber Monday Deal You Just Can’t Refuse

OK. So, here’s the deal. You know that Detroit Sponge and Chamois has website – you’re on it. I thought that was fine and that I was doing great. However, with the internet, it doesn’t take long to get behind the curve!

Recently, I have been hearing all this fuss about Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and all that social marketing stuff. Honestly, between you and me, I thought it was all pretty much useless. Sure, my wife has a Facebook account, but I never saw the point. As far as I was concerned, it was for teenagers and really just another time suck.  I never thought much about the Detroit Sponge internet “presence”, especially with social media, like this.

Well, gratefully, as a business owner, I have people that brought me up to speed. Detroit Sponge & Chamois now has a blog and a Facebook page. We tweet. We update our status. We even upload videos to YouTube. (For those of you that knew Mitch, can you imagine?!) Then, I thought what about the rest of you in the window cleaning industry. If I was behind the times, were the rest of you? So, I came up with a solution. An idea.

If I am paying this team of experts to teach me what to do, why not pass that knowledge on to you? Could I help you to create a web presence? It is a fact that, whether we like it or not, the world is changing. People no longer turn to the Yellow Pages. They Google stuff. If you, if WE, do not have a web presence, they will not find us. Worse. They will find our competitors.

  • So, here’s the idea. Actually, it’s more of a challenge.

My team is designing a challenge for you where we can learn what to do together. Starting in January, they will teach us newbies, step-by-step, everything we need to know to start a website, build a web presence and be on the first page of Google for our chosen, local keywords. How would you like to be on that first page that pops up in Google for “your city window cleaner”? That would be awesome, right?!

And, here is the best part: it’s FREE! I paid the experts already; all you have to do is follow along. No need to pay a programmer thousands of dollars. No need to worry about hiring graphic designers. The internet has changed and professional websites can be created by anyone very easily. And, this isn’t complicated or time-consuming. It is just a few simple tasks each week that anyone can fit into their schedule.

By this time next year, we will all be rocking the World Wide Web! So, are you with me?

Sign up here and we can start this little challenge together!