So every day, there are many, many facts of life that can get you down.  Face it, it seems that there is more craziness in the world, or we are more aware of the craziness that is around us..  And it is all around us..

With all of that, if you are a window cleaner, you have chosen the path of being self employed in the rapids of our economy and world. Maybe you already know that staying positive is simply essential to your day to day life.  You might have a routine that makes you do certain things first thing in the day so that your day is given motion, a path to follow right at the outset.

If that is you, find some way to share this with other people.  There are plenty of us out there that need to hear about those disciplines.

For the rest of us that are trying to figure out how to manage life and opportunities from a positive reference point, it seems some of the time honored habits might be just the thing. Disciplines like exercise, healthy diet, relaxation, meditation or prayer time, daily structure, time alone, and intentional time with others might be worth exploring in your schedule.

One book that I came across that really hit me where I needed it is “The Magic of Thinking Big”.  To me, this book contained so many healthy concepts all in one spot that it really challenged me to change my mind set.

Being self employed like many of you,  I have 3 kids, a wife, a house, 2 dogs and ever increasing demands on every single resource that I have.  Staying positive is simply a MUST DO on my list every day.

For today, make the best of the day that you have!  If we are in the right mind set, for us self employed people, everything, everywhere can be seen as an opportunity!

Talk to you soon
