Window Cleaners | Remarkably Successful People 1

window cleaning businessI read a great article on Inc’s website called “9 Beliefs of Remarkably Successful People”. I thought it would be fun to address a few of the points and apply them to the window cleaning industry.

The 1st point in the article is that, when given two weeks for a project, the average person will use the entire two weeks, breaking the project down and spreading it out so it gets done by the deadline. Fair enough. But, according to the author, Jeff Haden, remarkably successful people think:

 Time doesn’t fill me. I fill time.

The same pretty much applies to all window cleaners, from hi rise to residential, from pure water users to old school pros. Window cleaners don’t think, “Gee, I have 64 windows to clean today. I should work at a nice, leisurely pace and get 8 done an hour.”


Not us.

The word hustle is emblazened on our brains before we are born. Window cleaners think, “How soon can I get these 64 windows done? I want to go out and get more work. What window cleaning tools can I use to get the job done faster? More efficiently?”

We fill time. We get jobs done. Done right. Done now. And, then we move on to the next task. And, the next. And, the next. We are only sorry that there is not more hours in the day to fill because there sure are more windows to be cleaned.