Email Marketing | What Not To Do

window cleaning businessI read a great article via LinkedIn today about the good, the bad and the ugly of email marketing campaigns. We’ve all been the recipient of some pretty bad email marketing and, if we stop and think about it, we know what annoys us. Flashing text, over-the-top schmoozing and empty promises all make me hit delete faster than you can say shamwow! What bugs you as a recipient?

Do you take the time to unsubscribe if you are that upset? Do you hit spam?  You know what that means, right?!  Marking an email as spam means you just reported them to their mailservice, usually Aweber or MailChimp, and they cannot email you any longer. Your email will be removed from their list by the mailservice.

So … how do you take this and apply it to your own campaign? How do you ensure that people like your email enough to actually read it? Did you know that 70% of all spam is poorly written marketing emails? Worse yet …

43% of adults in the U.S. said more than half of their emails are from marketers

Check out the article for yourself and learn how to stand out from the crowd!