Business tips: Five tips to having a successful window cleaning company.

Our Detroit Sponge team has the opportunity to talk and interact with professional window cleaners from across the country every day. The window cleaning community is full of hard-working people who are motivated and enjoy serving their clientele. From our fun and interesting interactions, join in on our conversations with how to build a successful business. 

With the ever-changing world we live in, we encourage you to stay focused with your business perspective and goals. 

  1. Stay Organized: 

With all of the sudden changes to schedules for job service, worker/staff issues as well as the climate of business and restrictions in your area, it is paramount that you keep your business in its rhythm.  Approach jobs with the same methodical care and excellence that you always have had.  
Keep your schedule as organized as possible. Obviously, there is an increase of last-minute changes. But really, window cleaners, at least in parts of the country, are used to dealing with weather issues all of the time. Just be flexible and keep your eye on the goal of satisfying your customer with sparkling clean glass! 

Keeping your business records organized should be of a high priority as well. Many window cleaners have shared how they have been able to receive government or bank support during tumultuous times. We are not out of the uncertain season yet! Keep your books clean and organized so that you can be in the best position to be able to receive any help if it is offered. 

  1. Maintain your business habits: 

Continue to do the habits your business is built from. Continue to spend time looking for new customers. Whether your routine was to ask satisfied clients for referrals, to knock on doors or to post flyers, from what window cleaners are telling us, there are still new customers out there that want the services you provide.   
I think the major goal is to not fall into a slump. Do not stop working “on your business”. This is your livelihood! You have built up your customer base, turn off the noise and distractions and go share your service with new customers. 

  1. Now more than ever, communicate with your customers: 

Face it, everyone is affected by situations that are out of their control. Communicate with your customers. Consider altering your service plans for certain customer.  If the client is in one of those categories that is really struggling, find out how you can continue to help their business look fantastic for THEIR customers that THEY are serving.  
Think opportunity as well! With so many people working from home, consider offering a more frequent home window cleaning schedule. Window cleaners continue to tell me that they have some residential clients that are receiving their services on a month basis. In return, this may help stabilize your cash flow. 

  1. Stay in contact with your banker and your accountant: 

Most of us have had some sort of a “gut check” moment in this last season of business. Based on comments from customers and from my own experience as a business owner, the relationship with your banker and accountant can be very important. Face it, taxes are still going to be due. Set up a time to chat with your accountant and update them on how your numbers are for this year compared to in the past. Maybe it will be time to revise some of your plans and goals.  
Your bankers most likely talk with small business owners regularly. They have heard details on a variety of situations. You are in a great business industry! Window cleaning is a cash flow generating trade. Just reach out to them and let them know that you are still fighting to keep windows clean! Window cleaners continue to tell us how these relationships are important and can make a difference. 

  1. Be Grateful: 

 For most window cleaning companies, success will rise and fall with the person in charge. Keep yourself healthy! Know yourself well enough to know if you are falling into some bad habits. Reality is, at some point you will need to adjust your plans. The “dream” might still be alive, but the path to the dream has definitely been rerouted! Be honest about the facts of your business. The new facts might make you mad, but be honest about how the landscape has changed. 

One simple key seems to be keeping a grateful perspective. You get to enjoy being your own boss in one of the best countries in the world for being self-employed. If you clean windows every day, you must be healthy because we all know it is a physical job. Maybe it’s thinking about the ones you love, or enjoying the satisfaction of working hard and making your customers smile at the results. Maybe it’s taking time to connect with something peaceful. Maybe it’s offering a prayer or gratitude. 

Heck, for some window cleaners, when the economy first started reopening in their market, they returned to their regular store front accounts and did a “first cleaning is free”. Everyone that did this told me that the customer was very appreciative. Many paid them anyway or offered some other method of expressing gratitude. Providing that free cleaning made the window cleaner feel just as good as the client. YOU make an impact on your customers and the world. Keep that perspective of gratitude! 

Window cleaners are resourceful community. Remember that you are a part of something bigger than yourself. Maybe these 5 things can help you stay focused and encouraged so that you can continue to brighten the world with clean windows! 

Mike Waroway- President of Detroit Sponge 

Supplying professional window cleaning supplies to the trade since 1938