Gutter’s need to be cleaned out. Leaves, needles and other tree debris will plug the gutter and cause problems without regular maintenance. Gutter cleaning is inherently a bit dangerous too. There are all sorts of gadgets on the market for trying to remove the debris from the ground, however, many still prefer to get close access to the gutter to perform the maintenance. Gaining safe access to the area with the gutters is an entirely different topic. Once you have figured out a plan of how to access the gutters, check out these 4 tools that are designed to help make the job more efficient and safer.
- Gutter Cleaner Hand and Pole Tool
The single best-selling gutter tool is the Gutter Cleaner hand and pole tool. Detroit Sponge has sold thousands of these over the years. The design is a solid, one-piece tool. You can use the tool by hand or screw the Gutter Cleaner onto any pole that has a male acme thread. The spoon end of the tool is designed at the perfect angle to allow debris to be trapped and dragged close to the operator for easy removal by hand. With most gutter set ups, the spoon can be slide under gutter nails/hangers while facing upward, rotated and used to trap that debris and bring it back into reach. With the holes in the spoon, water escapes, leaving only the solid gunk to be pulled and removed.
Gutter Cleaner Hand and Pole Tool Features:
- Most popular features of The Black Gutter Cleaner are
- Solid, 1 piece design is durable
- Edge of the spoon is designed to give a good, clean swipe of the gutter
- Spoon is rigid, but flexible enough to maneuver around gutter nails etc
- Tool will screw securely on to any pole or stick with an acme threaded tip (think threads on a floor broom)
- Economical Gutter Tool
The Gutter Tool is the creation of a window cleaner that was in search of a better tool. Dave made this tool to help make his job easier. Today, it is used for gutter cleaning all across the nation! The Gutter Tool is made of strong but lightweight plastic. The tool will screw securely on to any acme threaded pole or stick to expand your reach. With the solid paddle design of the spoon, debris can easily be pulled towards you to remove or pushed directly out of the gutter. The Gutter Tool also features a square stem “arm” on the top side. This arm can be used to break up chunks of gunk and can also be used to hang the tool on your ladder while you retreat down to move the ladder to the next position. Check out the video to see the Gutter Tool and inventory, Dave demonstrating and discussing his tool.
Gutter Tool by Dave Features:
- Flat paddle design really gets into and grabs debris
- Strong plastic is very durable yet lightweight
- Extra arm gives one more option to break up debris and deal with gutter nail obstructions
- Tool can mount to a pole, allowing less ladder climbs
- Designed by a window cleaner to solve his challenge
- Made right here in the USA
- Gutter Grabber
The Gutter Grabber gives a great option if you have extra heavy debris in the gutter. The tip of the tool comes to a point, making it a great choice for penetrating mounds of packed gunk. The Gutter Grabber can easily be screwed securely on to any pole or extension that has a male acme thread for extra reach. As an extra feature, there is a hanger hook on the body of the tool. This allows you to hang the tool on the gutter so that you do not have to take it up and down every trip up and down the ladder.
Gutter Grabber Features:
- Pointed tip works great for breaking up heavy, packed debris
- Screws on to the any acme threaded pole to extend your reach
- Lightweight tool
- Gutter Scoop
If you are looking to clean gutters without using a stick or extension pole, the Gutter Scoop will help. This tool is exactly what it says, a gutter scoop. The tool is made of a very pliable, flexible material. The Gutter Scoop can be slide under debris, making for easy removal from the gutter. The flexible plastic helps to get as much debris as possible while scooping. This tool is one of those that seems too simple, but it really comes in handy for cleaning gutter debris by hand.
Gutter Scoop Features:
- Lightweight
- Operated by hand
- Inexpensive
- Flexible material works well to get into and under debris
The seasons change every year! Having clean gutters that are free of fallen debris like leaves, needles, and the decomposing matter that creates is crucial for preventing problems and damage. The work is always challenging, with gaining safe access always most important. These four tools have proved to be very popular over the years with window cleaners and service contractors. With the proven designs and economical options, these gutter cleaning tools can be great problem solvers on the job. For the economical price, give them all a try and find which works best for you. You can find these items and many other tools on our site today! For questions, please feel free to email us at customerservice@detroitsponge.com or call us at (800) 535-6394. Stay up to date with products and sales on our social pages!