Winsol was established in 1970 and has been formulating quality chemicals even since. Winsol Laboratories manufacturers professional, residential, and industrial cleaning solutions. Their high-quality chemicals can be used for industrial and residential jobs. They supply companies with “Maintenance Chemistry for Every Industry.”
One of their top products and a Detroit Sponge best seller is the Winsol Screen Cleaner and Sealer. This non-toxic solution is specially developed for cleaning and sealing vinyl, fiberglass, and aluminum window and door screens. Regular use will protect aluminum screens and frames to help prevent corrosion in the future, helping screens to last longer. Special emollients will seal and restore natural resistance to vinyl and fiberglass screens and frames.
Screen Cleaner and Sealer may be applied to brand new screens prior to installation or to restore the appearance and durability of existing soiled screens and frames. You can add this product to your cleaning routine at anytime. This may be a great add on service for professional window cleaning companies, making more money with your current customers. Regular treatment will protect the fabric and frame against bird droppings, acid rain, general pollutants in the atmosphere, and color fading caused by UV rays from the sun.
Screen Cleaner and Sealer provides home and building owners with a like new appearance while reducing window screen maintenance. Some of our favorite features about this solution is it is fast and easy to use, safe and effective for all types of screens, can be used on screens and frames, and helps to reduce aluminum “blush” and corrosion. This is a great product for homeowners and professionals who want a durable barrier to protect screens and keep them clean longer. Even after one you, dust or soil can easily be brushed away and reduces the need for scrubbing.
How to use the Winsol Screen Cleaner and Sealer:
- Dilute 1 part Cleaner with 15 parts of water. Use more solution f needed.
- Remove screens from windows and place on tarps to prepare for cleaning, make sure to be careful to avoid slip risk.
- Brush the screen cloth with a soft bristled brush to dislodge any loose soils or bird waste trapped in the weave of the screen cloth.
- Wipe on a small amount of solution directly on the screen with a soft, clean cloth. Wipe in gently with a circular motion, turning the cloth often. Applicator may be dipped into a bucket and carefully wrung out to avoid over-application.
- Do not rinse. Allow to air dry before returning screens to windows or to store for the season.
Tip: Brush screens with a soft bristled brush to keep them clean and bright between cleanings and rinse lightly with fresh water when windows are washed.
Here at Detroit Sponge, we sell the Winsol Screen Cleaner and Sealer in a one gallon jug. Be sure to keep this product from freezing. If you have more questions about this product, head to our website or give our team of experts a call.