Detroit Sponge

Why Leasing Window Cleaning Supplies May Be the Best Option for You   If you run a window cleaning company, it can be difficult to get equipment that fits your needs […]

Unger has committed their company towards striving for innovation and purpose. Their tools are designed to maintain quality and make the cleaning experience better for window cleaners. This dedication to the core of their […]

What is so unique about the squeegee designed and built down under? Welcome to the world of Willie, the creator of the WagTail squeegee line.  When Willie started the company in 1993, […]

Years ago, as a window cleaner in Iowa, Jerry Rigdon new that there had to be a better way to clean windows on one of his downtown commercial accounts. The struggle was the […]

Detail and Finish a Window: Window cleaners with the most perfect squeegee technique need of a towel for taking care of some drips left behind and details. The window cleaning world have many types […]