window cleaning equipment

With all of the choices in the professional window cleaning supplies market, picking the right brush for your waterfed pole cleaning can seem like a challenge. Learning about the anatomy of a waterfed brush can help make sense […]

Everyone knows the importance of using a great quality window cleaning squeegee, but without a great scrub of the glass first, results will be spotty at best!  There are many great options of quality scrubber sleeves for professional […]

Tucker manufacturers a complete line of professional window cleaning equipment for pure water window cleaning.  The Tucker brushes and scrubbing tools offer many options to help window cleaners scrub windows more […]

Gardiner Pole Systems is determined to make the life of a professional window cleaner better. The Gardiner manufacturer team continues to strive to innovate and provide the best tools. Their tools bring ease for pure water professional […]

Unger remains a leading innovator in the window cleaning equipment industry. Their tradition of producing quality window cleaning tools continued a few years ago with their introduction of the HydroPower pure water system.  Having been around the industry since 1986, I have […]

Gardiner Pole Systems has a reputation around the world for designed and producing a premium line of professional window cleaning tools for water fed systems. Being former window cleaners themselves, the Gardiner family has a unique appreciation […]